Hell all!
I promised on my previous entry I would post other videos for our unit on the months of the year, days of the week, numbers, and birthdays. It took me a little while, but here they are! Please click on the links below to access the videos. (I cannot post the videos from Rockalingua, but the kids can log in to the website with their password at any time and watch them.)
Now that we
finished the unit, we have started learning about family members. Second,
third, and fourth grade students are working on a research project, which they
seem to be enjoying. Second graders are working on their iPads while third and
fourth graders are using Chromebooks. Students were asked to create a family
album or tree, some in teams of two students, some on their own, and then share
their projects with me. Kindergarteners and first graders have been learning
about family members and farm animals by doing more hands-on activities and
they will be playing with “farm animals” dice this week. I’ll be posting the
videos we watch in class soon, so be sure to come back!
Have a great
Sra. Rivera