Sunday, December 27, 2015

A few common phrases...

There's a few very basic phrases we use daily in class. Some of these include greetings, the date, classroom jobs, and routines. Click on the link below to access a review of some of these phrases.

Common daily phrases review

Sra. Rivera

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Winter break!

I hope you’re all enjoying the winter break!

On Friday, I sent home a packet with our December newsletter, a letter from the APS World Languages Office on FLES grading, and general reviews of what we’ve been learning so far. While preparing it, I realized we have come a long way since September! Click on the links below to access the APS letter and the newsletter, and keep visiting, as I will be posting more information and resources.

December 2015 Newsletter

Have a great time!

Sra. Rivera

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Welcome to the 2015-16 School Year


Welcome Back to School!

It’s been quite a long time since I don’t post. The start of a new year takes so much time! I hope you all had a great summer and ready for the 2015-16 school year.

A couple of weeks ago, I sent home the first newsletter of this year. I hope you enjoyed it! I plan to prepare one every moth. I’ll send a copy home and post it here. Below is the link for the document.

Newsletter - September 2015

See you soon!
Sra. Rivera

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Interesting Article on Bilingualism

Hello all,
I hope you're enjoying the first week of summer vacation! I came across this TED-Ed presentation on the benefits of bilingualism that I thought might be of interest.

The benefits of a bilingual brain

Have a great week!
Sra. Rivera

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Videos for numbers and a new unit!

Hell all!

Wow! The school year is almost over! We’re all exhausted, but I’m going to miss seeing all my students during the summer break.

I promised on my previous entry I would post other videos for our unit on the months of the year, days of the week, numbers, and birthdays. It took me a little while, but here they are! Please click on the links below to access the videos. (I cannot post the videos from Rockalingua, but the kids can log in to the website with their password at any time and watch them.)

Now that we finished the unit, we have started learning about family members. Second, third, and fourth grade students are working on a research project, which they seem to be enjoying. Second graders are working on their iPads while third and fourth graders are using Chromebooks. Students were asked to create a family album or tree, some in teams of two students, some on their own, and then share their projects with me. Kindergarteners and first graders have been learning about family members and farm animals by doing more hands-on activities and they will be playing with “farm animals” dice this week. I’ll be posting the videos we watch in class soon, so be sure to come back!

Have a great week,
Sra. Rivera

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Months of the year and days of the week

Dear families,

I am not at Tuckahoe this week, but I was able to secure a wonderful substitute! Her name is Sra. Mignone. She is a Spanish teacher, and very good with the students. She already covered for me at the beginning of the school year and the feedback I got from the students was positive. In addition, being a Spanish teacher, they’re still moving forward with their learning, they won’t miss content in Spanish class.

Students are now learning about the months of the year, the days of the week, numbers, and birthdays. You can access the videos we’ve watched by clicking on the following links:

I’ll post more as we watch and discuss them in class.

Looking forward to being back in school next Monday,
Sra. Rivera

Sunday, April 5, 2015

We're starting a new unit!


I hope everybody enjoyed the spring break. Now, it’s back to reality! It’s amazing how time goes by, we’re about to start the last quarter of the school year... and we still have so much to do and learn!

In class, we’re almost done with the unit on seasons, weather, and clothing. I admit it took much more time than I had originally intended due to snow days, morning delays, and holidays. If all goes as planned, we’ll be starting the unit on months, days, numbers, and birthdays within a few days.

I have attached glossaries for the months, days of the week, and numbers in case any of my students want to check them out before class.

See you all on Tuesday!

Sra. Rivera

Saturday, February 14, 2015

New unit - seasons, weather, clothing

Hello all!

We just starting a new unit: seasons, weather, and clothing (las estaciones, el tiempo y la ropa). Students have been taking pre-assessments to evaluate how much, if anything, they know about these topics. Assessments are only used as a way to guide instructions and to check newly acquired knowledge vs. how much they already know. We have discussed in class the importance of doing your best and I’ve tried to make it as clear as possible that these assessments are not part of their grades. I have explained that there are no tests in the Spanish class, and that their grades depend on other factors, mostly effort. The last thing I want to do is to stress them out! They know, however, that I do expect them to do their best, at all times!
After the pre-assessments, we have watched and discussed some related music videos and started working on several activities. Below, you will find links for two glossaries, one for the seasons and the other for weather. I know many of my students like to review them at home. I have also included links for some of the videos we have or are watching. Unfortunately, I cannot post them all.
On the tech front, the upper grades (2nd – 5th) started using clickers for class activities, assessments (we are using them for this unit), and exit tickets. I had promised the kids that we would use them, and then “made” them wait for about a month as we were setting up and taking care of a few issues. I also had to program the clickers and enter information for all my (almost 240) students and start developing the actual activities. So far, it’s been working out, and I think they prefer it to the old fashioned method (paper and pencil)! We also got our own computer cart and iPod touch(es), just for the three Spanish classes. I will definitely make very good use of them for instruction in the classroom! I’m also working on fun, instructional activities with these devices for the lower grades (K-1st).

I will keep posting more information and activities on what we’re learning and will soon include links for clothing, so keep visiting!

Until the next time,
Sra. Rivera

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Hispanic Holiday Celebrations

Hello all!

It’s been a while since my last post. I apologize! Here’s what we’ve been up to...

Although we had started learning about the parts of the body and the face, we had to interrupt to talk about the holidays, solely in terms of Hispanic culture and traditions. We discussed the Day of Epiphany and the Three Kings, along with the tradition of Las Posadas. Students keep asking I post the videos we saw in class, so here they are!

Now that we’ve finished talking about these Hispanic holiday traditions, we’re going back to the parts of the body and the face.

Enjoy the long weekend!

Sra. Rivera